Philips lamp posts
1970s - 1980s
Philips MA Series
The Philips MA series were major road lamps built from 1970 to the mid 80s. They are very awesome looking, and were built in many lengths, the longest ones looking very large.
The MA series were the main lamp used on almost every dual carriageway and motorway that had lighting. These used to be everywhere but now they are getting less common as they are rapidly being removed throughout the country.
Philips MA alternative (Eleco GR Series)
This lamp was built in partnership with Eleco. They were built from 1970 to the late 80s. These lamps are the Eleco GR series sold by Philips as an alternative to the MA series. These lamps are very nice looking, they have very different styling to the normal MA series but they look just as great.
Philips MI Series
This is a small lamp for side streets.
Philips Eleco post top lamp
These look totally awesome. These sold by both Philips and Eleco from 1965 until the mid 80s. This type of lamp provides all round light.
1980s - early 2000s
Philips SGS
These sold in their millions. They are everywhere. Almost every main road lamp post in the mid 80s - early 2000s was one of these (often on a British steel post).
Philips Trafficvision
These are part of the SGS series. They are an alternative to the normal style SGS lamps.
Philips FGS
An update to the MA series.
Philips MI Series (later version)
An update to the MI series.
Philips Streetfighter
This is an update to the SGS series. These don't look anything special.
Philips Iridium (and similar models)
These are rather crap looking. Loads of them have been installed by Kent County Council.
Philips Residium
These are modern and a bit dull. The design is based on the FGS.
Philips Stela LED
Now that lamps are LED they can now be made to look very slim and modern. The Philips Stela is a totally awesome example of great modern design. The concept of a light fixture has been redesigned from scratch, with a lot thought being put into it. These have such an amazing look, especially when its on an aluminium post (like a Nedal).
Philips SpeedStar LED
This is an alternative to the Stela. The SpeedStar looks great and modern but doesn't quite have the awesomeness of the Stela.
Philips Iridium/Selenium LED
With LEDs, lamps can now be made to look very modern, but thats not the case with the Iridium LED, which looks identical to the old Iridium (in other words crap).
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