UK RAILWAY SIGNALS (and other stuff)
When the red semaphore is horizontal that means stop, when it is raised (or on some lowered) that means go. yellow ones show the state of the next signal. If there is more than one red semaphore on a signal that is to show how the points are set (only one will be set to go at a time). If there are 2 red semaphore of the same size that means there are 2 equally important routes. if one is smaller than the other that means one route is a smaller turn off route. If it has a number or letter on it that is to show the platform or siding number ect for the route (a circle means siding and an X meens abandoned route). Also small round semaphores are shunt signals.
Westinghouse - LU shunt signal motorised
Semaphore shunt signal
Red means stop, yellow means next signal is red, double yellow means next signal is yellow, green means there is no red signal for the next 2 signals (unless the signal can't show double yellow - then green means no red for at least 1 signal)
if there are white lights above the signal or a number that can light up - this is to show which way the points are set.
Other signals may not have a red light because they are just for showing what the next signal is (distant signals). Also signals for coming into the end of the line don't have a green light (as the buffer counts as a red signal and it will never go green).
Westinghouse - Old signal
Westinghouse - Old LU signal
Unknown - signal
Unknown - LU signal
Dorman - LED Signal
Unknown - LU signal
These are on platforms to tell the gard whetherthe signal is set to go
Westinghouse - Old Repeater
Unknown - Old Off signal
Unknown - Off signal
Westinghouse - Off signal
Unknown - Off signal
Unknown - LED Off signal
Dorman? - LED Off signal
Unknown - Platform display
PAGE SIGNALS - tram signal
Unknown - tram unknown light
Unknown - button
Unknown - button
Measuring lazer to check for tunnel movement
Romney, Hythe and Dymchurch Railway
Mellor traffic light being used as a train signal outside Hythe station
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