Generic lift companies
You may have noticed that loads of present day lift companies are not included in the list.
This section is about all of the many small lift company's that call them selfs a lift company but they don't make lifts - they just assemble them.
1930s - 1960s
but before I talk about modern generics...
Generic lift companies are not just a thing of the present day, there were some generics in the 1930s!
In the present day anybody with engineering skills can start a company and install lifts without actually makeing ANY part of the lift. In the 1930s it was not that easy and there was nowhere near the extent of generics that there is today.
I normally hate generics but these are an exeption as I like these lifts and they are not as cheaply made as modern day generics.
Generic companies that use these buttons include... Hoisting Appliance Co, Budget lifts ltd, and P & dunwoody. Also just like today, even large non-generic lift companies sometimes used generic buttons. these include... Bennie, Marryat Scott, J&E Hall and Etchells Congdon & Muir.

Hoisting Appliance Co were a very small 1960s company which mainly made dumbwaiters, but they did make a few normal lifts aswell
There lifts are quite simple and are basicly just a large version of a dumbwaiter. They also used the same sort of button as many other compaines at the time

1970s - early 1980s
Ok now moving on to the boring generics
Generic companies that use these buttons include... P & dunwoody, Foster & cross, Budget and many more. Also a lot non-generic lift companies often use these generic buttons. these include... Keighley, O&K, Bennie, Jensen, Furse, lutz, Evans, Schindler, Kone, and sometime otis.

Generic companies that use these buttons include... Park elevators and many more. Also a lot non-generic lift companies often use these generic buttons. these include... Becker, Marryat Scott.

late 1980s - present day
There are currently so many small lift companies, nowdays anybody with engineering skills can start a company and install lifts without actually making ANY part of the lift.
Here are some generic lift companies... P & Dunwoody ERS, Cotswold, Nova, Hi Tec Lifts, UK lift, Elite, Accord, Guideline, D&A lifts, Temple lifts, Jacksons, Axis, Apex, Oakland, Swallow, and many more.
These companies use generic parts for their lifts made by supply companies. These lifts all look the same even though they are made by different companies. They are very dull and very uninspiring
A lot of old lifts last over 50 years when some generic lifts don't last more than 10 years.
I hate these generic companies, Some generic comapnies replace old lifts that don't need replacing with a lift that isn't as good and is just plain dull.
With an old lift when you press the button the lift reacts instantly which is very satisfying. But with modern generic lifts when you press the button there are painfuly long delays, then when it gets to a floor it goes painfully slow for the last bit, then when it stops it then has to wait a few seconds before opening its doors - SO ANNOYING.
Generic lifts are the most common type of lift in the UK
Dewhurst lift buttons. These are used by a lot of little companies.
Generic VF lift motor

Generic Hydraulic lift motor
Even worse than bog standard generic lifts are these (I call these lifts "flatpack" lifts, as they are so basic). These are often found in small buildings (often run by the local council).

Climbing lifts are lifts that have a motor sitting on top of the lift pulling it up
Platform lifts are lifts that are just a moving floor. (these are usally climbing lifts or sisor lifts)
Gartec platform lift
